Source code for txspinneret.query

Utility functions for processing query arguments.

The task of processing query arguments is made easy by deciding whether you
want exactly `one` or `many` results and then composing that with the expected
argument type, such as `Integer`, `Text`, `Boolean`, etc.; for example:

.. code-block:: python


Produces a callable that takes a list of strings and produces an integer from
the first value, or ``None`` if the list was empty or the first value could not
be parsed as an integer.

.. code-block:: python


Produces a callable that takes a list of strings and produces a list of
from datetime import datetime
from operator import isSequenceType

from txspinneret.util import maybe, UTC

def _isSequenceTypeNotText(x):
    Is this a ``sequence`` type that isn't also a ``string`` type?
    return isSequenceType(x) and not isinstance(x, (bytes, unicode))

[docs]def one(func, n=0): """ Create a callable that applies ``func`` to a value in a sequence. If the value is not a sequence or is an empty sequence then ``None`` is returned. :type func: `callable` :param func: Callable to be applied to each result. :type n: `int` :param n: Index of the value to apply ``func`` to. """ def _one(result): if _isSequenceTypeNotText(result) and len(result) > n: return func(result[n]) return None return maybe(_one)
[docs]def many(func): """ Create a callable that applies ``func`` to every value in a sequence. If the value is not a sequence then an empty list is returned. :type func: `callable` :param func: Callable to be applied to the first result. """ def _many(result): if _isSequenceTypeNotText(result): return map(func, result) return [] return maybe(_many, default=[])
[docs]def Text(value, encoding=None): """ Parse a value as text. :type value: `unicode` or `bytes` :param value: Text value to parse :type encoding: `bytes` :param encoding: Encoding to treat ``bytes`` values as, defaults to ``utf-8``. :rtype: `unicode` :return: Parsed text or ``None`` if ``value`` is neither `bytes` nor `unicode`. """ if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' if isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode(encoding) elif isinstance(value, unicode): return value return None
[docs]def Integer(value, base=10, encoding=None): """ Parse a value as an integer. :type value: `unicode` or `bytes` :param value: Text value to parse :type base: `unicode` or `bytes` :param base: Base to assume ``value`` is specified in. :type encoding: `bytes` :param encoding: Encoding to treat ``bytes`` values as, defaults to ``utf-8``. :rtype: `int` :return: Parsed integer or ``None`` if ``value`` could not be parsed as an integer. """ try: return int(Text(value, encoding), base) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None
[docs]def Float(value, encoding=None): """ Parse a value as a floating point number. :type value: `unicode` or `bytes` :param value: Text value to parse. :type encoding: `bytes` :param encoding: Encoding to treat `bytes` values as, defaults to ``utf-8``. :rtype: `float` :return: Parsed float or ``None`` if ``value`` could not be parsed as a float. """ try: return float(Text(value, encoding)) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None
[docs]def Boolean(value, true=(u'yes', u'1', u'true'), false=(u'no', u'0', u'false'), encoding=None): """ Parse a value as a boolean. :type value: `unicode` or `bytes` :param value: Text value to parse. :type true: `tuple` of `unicode` :param true: Values to compare, ignoring case, for ``True`` values. :type false: `tuple` of `unicode` :param false: Values to compare, ignoring case, for ``False`` values. :type encoding: `bytes` :param encoding: Encoding to treat `bytes` values as, defaults to ``utf-8``. :rtype: `bool` :return: Parsed boolean or ``None`` if ``value`` did not match ``true`` or ``false`` values. """ value = Text(value, encoding) if value is not None: value = value.lower().strip() if value in true: return True elif value in false: return False return None
[docs]def Delimited(value, parser=Text, delimiter=u',', encoding=None): """ Parse a value as a delimited list. :type value: `unicode` or `bytes` :param value: Text value to parse. :type parser: `callable` taking a `unicode` parameter :param parser: Callable to map over the delimited text values. :type delimiter: `unicode` :param delimiter: Delimiter text. :type encoding: `bytes` :param encoding: Encoding to treat `bytes` values as, defaults to ``utf-8``. :rtype: `list` :return: List of parsed values. """ value = Text(value, encoding) if value is None or value == u'': return [] return map(parser, value.split(delimiter))
[docs]def Timestamp(value, _divisor=1., tz=UTC, encoding=None): """ Parse a value as a POSIX timestamp in seconds. :type value: `unicode` or `bytes` :param value: Text value to parse, which should be the number of seconds since the epoch. :type _divisor: `float` :param _divisor: Number to divide the value by. :type tz: `tzinfo` :param tz: Timezone, defaults to UTC. :type encoding: `bytes` :param encoding: Encoding to treat `bytes` values as, defaults to ``utf-8``. :rtype: `datetime.datetime` :return: Parsed datetime or ``None`` if ``value`` could not be parsed. """ value = Float(value, encoding) if value is not None: value = value / _divisor return datetime.fromtimestamp(value, tz) return None
[docs]def TimestampMs(value, encoding=None): """ Parse a value as a POSIX timestamp in milliseconds. :type value: `unicode` or `bytes` :param value: Text value to parse, which should be the number of milliseconds since the epoch. :type encoding: `bytes` :param encoding: Encoding to treat `bytes` values as, defaults to ``utf-8``. :rtype: `datetime.datetime` :return: Parsed datetime or ``None`` if ``value`` could not be parsed. """ return Timestamp(value, _divisor=1000., encoding=encoding)
[docs]def parse(expected, query): """ Parse query parameters. :type expected: `dict` mapping `bytes` to `callable` :param expected: Mapping of query argument names to argument parsing callables. :type query: `dict` mapping `bytes` to `list` of `bytes` :param query: Mapping of query argument names to lists of argument values, this is the form that Twisted Web's `IRequest.args <twisted:twisted.web.iweb.IRequest.args>` value takes. :rtype: `dict` mapping `bytes` to `object` :return: Mapping of query argument names to parsed argument values. """ return dict( (key, parser(query.get(key, []))) for key, parser in expected.items())
__all__ = [ 'parse', 'one', 'many', 'Text', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Boolean', 'Delimited', 'Timestamp', 'TimestampMs']